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Get started – also in a group

Communication in the family

A good mood and a feeling of security in daily interaction give you strength and security

Workshop for women

Women in particular don’t even come close to knowing their own potential


More successful and satisfied as a well-functioning group

Birgit Krautwedel-Edeling

Strengthen your immune system

by Birgit Krautwedel-Edeling

Security notice

This recording must not be heard while driving a car or operating machinery.

Special recognition

Please do not add the audio (background) content to the Youtube Content ID System. I have used background music which is owned by FesliyanStudios. Our special recognition to FesliyanStudios for this generous contribution.
Title: Deep Meditation-39688
Artist: Fesliyan Studios Background Music
Licensed to YouTube by
AdRev for a 3rd Party (on behalf of Fesliyan Studios (Fesliyan Studios)); AdRev Publishing

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This website contains opinions and views of the author. It intends to provide helpful and informative content on the topics of this page. This is done with the basic understanding that the author and editor do not offer any medical or non-medical services on this public website. The user should consult a physician or other knowledgeable health professional prior to using and viewing the images or taking any views on this page. The author and publisher explicitly exclude any liability for damage, loss, personal or other risks, which arise directly or indirectly as a result of the use or application of any content on this site.